4,59 €
This small flowing lure will accept many animations: a few small strokes of the tip will offset it, thereby imitating the disorderly swimming of a panicked fish. Its ability to flow very quickly will allow you to explore all the layers of water.
Length: 65mm (2-1/2")
Weight: 11g (3/8 oz.)
Type: Sinking
Diving Depth: 0.8-1.2m (2-5/8 ~ 4ft)
Hook Size: #8 BN
Comprar Countbass Afundando Minnow 65 mm 2-1/2" 11 g 3/8 oz. Señuelos de pesca de buceo de 0,8-1,2 m para trucha, cebo duro Isca Pesca Artificiali