4,79 € 5,91 €

ICERIO-Hojas de espuma EVA para atar moscas, papel de Color aleatorio, Material para atar moscas, escarabajo, hormiga, Caddis, 2mm x 20cm x 30cm, 10 unids/lote por paquete

(Votos: 1) 3 unidades vendidas

ICERIO 10PCS/Pack Random Color 2mm*20cm*30cm EVA Fly Tying Foam Sheets Paper Ant Beetle Caddis Fly Tying Material

Fly Tying Foam

Size: 20cm*30cm

Thickness: 2mm

Color: 10 random color

Packing Quantity: 10 Colors/Pack

Application: 10 colors for majority foam flies tying, foam ants, cricket, hopper, beetle, caddis, spent gnat, etc.. For any unusual color, paint white color foam with mark pen is a good option.

  • Currently, you can pay using Visa, MasterCard, Western Union, Qiwi and bank transfer. More payment options will be available on Aliexpress in the Future.

  • Your money is deposited securely by Aliexpress. Money is released to us only after you confirm delivery.

  • If you need more help for making payment, please click here:

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4,79 € 5,91 €


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